Polymeric Giant Unilamellar Vesicles Support Longevity of Native Nuclei in Protocells
- Lukas Heuberger
- Arianna Balestri
- et al.
- 2025
- Small Sci.
Emanuel Lörtscher is a Senior Research Scientist in the Physical Information group of the Science of Quantum and Information Technology (SQIT) department at IBM Research Europe – Zurich.
His research is focused on electronics, chemistry, optics and mechanics on the nanoscale with applications in molecular electronics, nanomechanics, plasmonics, micro- and nanointegration, nanofluidics, chemical engineering and chemical computing.
He is project leader responsible for the design and realization of the 'noise-free' labs of the new Binnig & Rohrer Nanotechnology Center, a unique platform for cutting-edge fabrication and characterization in nanotechnology. He acted as principal investigator of a joint project on plasmonic sensing (SNF grant 152944, Field-enhanced chemical-optical spectroscopy platform for molecular sensing) together with ETZH (Prof. L. Novotny) and the University of Zurich (Dr. K. Venkatesan). Within the NCCR MSE, he collaborates with the University of Basel (Prof. M. Mayor, Prof. C. Sparr) on developing a solid-state platform for molecular reaction compartments and with ETHZ D-BSSE (Prof. M. Fussenegger) on the development of an implant for on-demand hormone production. Recently, he got involved in chemical computing activities within the EU project CoreNet by using complex chemical reaction networks to process information.
Emanuel Lörtscher studied Physics at the Federal Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). After receiving his PhD from the University of Basel in 2006 with honors (summa cum laude), he joined IBM as a postdoctoral fellow and became a Research Staff Member in 2008.
He received the 2007 Swiss Physical Society Award for Applied Physics ('Oerlikon Prize') and the Faculty Prize of the Faculty of Science of the University of Basel in the same year.
Internal achievement awards such as
Below list of publications is incomplete. Please have a look at the Google Scholar profile.
Developing solutions to execute computing tasks in complex chemical systems used as information-processing units.
Design and Fabrication of silicon microfluidics for combinatorial screening of catalytic reaction pathways for accelerated material discovery and chemical conversion.